RIYADH, Saudi Arabia - He just wanted his colleagues in the government’s legislative arm to discuss the possibility of conducting a study into the feasibility of reversing the ban on women drivers — the only prohibition of its kind in the world.
But Consultative Council member Mohammad al-Zulfa’s proposal has unleashed a storm in this conservative country [Conservative? A better word would be "Medieval," but that's the Associated Press for you. -ed.] where the subject of women drivers remains taboo.
Al-Zulfa’s cell phone now constantly rings with furious Saudis accusing him of encouraging women to commit the double sins of discarding their veils and mixing with men. He gets phone text messages calling on Allah to freeze his blood. Chat rooms bristle with insulting accusations that al-Zulfa is “driven by carnal instincts with 454 horsepower.”
There even have been calls to kick al-Zulfa from the council and strip him of his Saudi nationality.
The uproar may be astounding to outsiders. But in Saudi Arabia, where the religious establishment has the upper hand in defining women’s freedoms, the issue touches on the kingdom’s strict Islamic lifestyle.
Conservatives, who believe women should be shielded from strange men, say driving will allow a woman to leave home whenever she pleases and go wherever she wishes. Some say it will present her with opportunities to violate Islamic law, such as exposing her eyes while driving or interacting with strange men, like police officers or mechanics.
“Driving by women leads to evil,” Munir al-Shahrani wrote in a letter to the editor of the Al-Watan daily. “Can you imagine what it will be like if her car broke down? She would have to seek help from men.”
Courtesy of The Associated Press and Yahoo News
Finally, a region of the world they recognize the utter inability of women to drive. If only we had such forward-thinking rulers in this decadent country we'd take our women out of their cars, off their cell phones, slap on a burka (onto them, not us) and put 'em back in the kitchen where they belong. Sans shoes, I might add.
I specifically like the quote, "Driving by women leads to evil." When I first got my license, my buddies and I were always driving by women, and I nearly got a few accidents because of their wanton displays of flesh and debauchery, you know, when they looked at me. The evil is real.

Is it just me, or does it seem like Sharia law was designed by bunch of six-year-old boys on one side that think girls are icky and have cooties, and bunch of sad thirty-five year olds on the other side that just got spurned by some floozy at the highway bar and think all women should be stuffed into burlap sacks and beat with belts?